The arrival of a baby is full of enthusiasm and a great desire to prepare all the details with the greatest care and care. The clothes, the car, the car seat... and, of course, her room.
I propose five ideas to take into account to prepare and decorate a baby's room in a practical way and to make it ideal:
1. Light, an essential element in a baby's room:
If the room gets plenty of natural light, great. If not, it would be interesting to enhance the existing light with light tones on the walls and curtains, and play with artificial lighting to achieve a bright and welcoming room . Combining white light with warmer and dimmer indirect light, or even adjustable in intensity, will help the bedroom to become the comfortable "nest" that we all want for our baby when night falls.

Beautiful baby bedroom, very bright and cozy.
2. Versatile furniture that adapts to the rapid evolution of a baby:
The children's bedroom must be able to change and adapt to the rapid evolution of the little ones. From the beginning, a dresser or cabinet with drawers in which a changing table can be attached will be quite useful. By folding your clothes vertically, you can have everything very well organized and at hand.
A comfortable armchair for night shots, which can later be housed in another room of the house; cot, mini-cot or both. And later a shelf or similar for books, storage for toys...
As I mentioned, needs will change as you grow, and this happens too fast!

Changing table on chest of drawers in the baby's bedroom, a very practical option. In the drawers we can have everything we need to change the baby.
3. Textiles, the final touch:
This is where we can play with colors and textures. There are wonderful combinations and designs of crib and bed linen, cushions, stuffed animals, lamps, curtains...
Special mention deserves the rugs, which provide the perfect decorative touch and comfort for long hours of games on the floor.

Combination of textiles and stuffed animals in a baby's bedroom with a precious touch of indirect light with a garland.
4. The dwall decoration, essential to give personality to the room:
You can now have the first works of art of her! Combining several pictures or prints similar in theme and size is a safe bet; or make a composition mixing sizes, styles and even type of frame, providing personality and originality.

Look how good the print of giraffes from the Little Safari collection looks!
5. When in doubt, the basics! There will be time...
Do not forget that a baby does not arrive "taking roll" and demanding that everything be ready... Except for the truly essential, many things can be prepared on the fly, as they leave needing. Zero stress in this regard.

In this bedroom we find the basics. Many times less is more!